Cholecystectomy or removal of Gallbladder removal is a common operation. This operation used to be done as an open procedure but today can be done laparoscopically with minimal incisions, less pain and faster recovery time. Cholecystectomy (Gallbladder removal) is a day surgery procedure.


- Can Gallstone be dissolved by taking medication or by shock waves like kidney stones?

No, there are some herbal medication claiming that but this is not true. Gallstones cannot be dissolve by medications or shattered by ultrasonic waves like kidney stones. You may find some experimental article about it if you search on the internet, but none of them is proven to be practical and safe and are not recommended by current guidelines and reasonable surgical practice.

- Can stones be removed without removal of the gallbladder?

No, an open gallbladder cannot be close without high chances of leak. 

- What is recovery time after cholecystectomy?

Most individuals need a couple of days complete rest and then may return to work in a week and  then avoiding 
heavy lifting for 4-6 weeks.

- Can I eat normal after removal of gallbladder?

Yes, there is no diet restriction after Cholecystectomy. Twenty percent of individuals may experience diarrhea for a 
few weeks after surgery which will subside over time.

- What are the risks with Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (Gallbladder removal)?

General risks , anesthesia which you will get more details when you see an anesthesiologist. Bleeding and infection 
both 1-2% with this operation Specific risks, Common bile duct injury <0.5% , Bile leak, <1%, post up transient diarrhea 
20%, bowel or vascular injury during port insertion <1%.

- What is the chance of converting to open procedure with Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy?

According current statistics it is around 5%. It all depends on severity of inflammation, anatomical variations and individuals 
previous surgeries, etc. It is different in every individuals. In general when the surgeon feels that is not safe to proceed
laparoscopically they convert to open procedure.

If you want to read more about  Cholecystectomy, you may review the following information sheets from
these organizations: